How To Find Motivation To Work Out
Many people cite motivation as one the most significant factors in taking charge of their health and wellness.
Part of the difficulty in finding motivation to work out lies in the human desire to get instant results, our lack of patience, and our view of working out as an all-or-nothing proposition.
In addition, we expect motivation to inspire us like a bolt of lightning to our system; however, motivation can be as subtle as the feeling that you’ll feel better once you’re done.
Are you motivated to brush your teeth twice a day, particularly before bedtime?
Probably not. But you do it because you know it’s necessary for the health of your teeth, and the thought of bacterial multiplying on your teeth over eight hours can be incredibly motivating.
The best thing we can do to keep ourselves motivated to work out is to keep a record—the scale, but also non-scale proof like photographs and measurements.
Work on making gym sessions a part of your daily routine—and start small if you need to.
Make a commitment to walk 10 minutes a few days a week, then increase your number of days or your time.
Start lifting weights for shorts sessions, working on one or two areas at a time.
Really, we should call taking charge of your health discipline rather than motivation—discipline is what will keep you going when you feel discouraged.
And at those moments when you feel discouraged, don’t throw in the towel—look back at your pictures, and take a new set of measurements.
Finally, always remember that if the day got away from you, IT’S JUST ONE DAY.
Show up for it again the next day: that’s the key to success.